GCC run a 3 hour supervised play and teaching time in our Sunday School, while parents are attending church service. Children are taught for the first two hours, bible stories from children bible, color and paint. They are also encouraged to be creative and confident. For the last hour, the children join their parents for the time of blessing by the holy spirit.

የሰንበት ትምህርት

ልጆች፡ ከህፃናት፡ መጽሐፍ፡ ቅዱስ፥ በህፃናት፡አስተማሪወች፡የተዘጋጀ ፡ እድሜአቸውን፡ የሚመጥን፡ ትምህርት፡ ይማራሉ፡፡
ግንዛቤአቸውንም፡ በሚጨምሩ፡ መጻሕፍትና፡ መጫወቻወች፥ በመታገዝ፡ትምሕርታቸውን፡ ከጨረሱ፡ በኋላ፡ ከወላጆቻቸው፡ ጋር፡ባርኮትን፡ይካፈላሉ፡፡